Saturday, April 21, 2007

But then again...

The last few posts I've been a tad too sceptical about the way we are, and it paints a pretty grim picture. But before you lose all hope, Believe me in this....All is not lost. It's just about how comfortable we're with these imperfections in our lives, and in our acceptance of them being real. The world is still a pretty great place. People still love to smile. Happiness still lies in the smallest things. A beautiful spring day still brings warmth to your heart. Cute lil' dogs still make me want to play with them. People still want to fall in love. We still feel that nothing beats the feeling of having your friends around. Home is still the best place in the world. Family still comes first. We still manage to grimace a smile at complete strangers. We still hate saying goodbye, and when we do we still hug and kiss. Kids still have idols to look upto. We still love getting back to mother nature. And we still love to be the nice guys. So it's not that bad....if there was no bad there'd be no good, right?? They just co exist, that's it....So enjoy your life, 'cause I don't know about heaven or hell..but this is real.


Unknown said...

beautiful...:) it makes me smile and say yeah it'a a beautiful life.stay happy.