Adrift upon an endless ocean;
Don't konow where I am going or how far.
Rise and fall of the waves are constantly in motion.
Insignificant flotsam passes by.
Feeling of utter despair makes me want to cry.
Taking a deep breath, I ask myself, "Why?"
Adrift within an endless black void;
Don't know where I am going or how far.
Rolling past me is an inoperable android.
Insignificant rubble passes by.
Feeling of great lonliness makes me want to cry.
Talking to myself, I enquire; "Why?"
Adrift within a creative mind.
Don't know where I am going or how far.
Reasonable words, phrases, and rhymes I cannot find.
Insignificant cliche' passes by
.Feeling of long writer's block makes me want to cry.
Tired, I ask my creator, "Why?"
Adrift in the silence of my room.
Don't know where I am going or how far.
Reason has been swept from my mind, like dust by a broom.
Insignificant insect passes by.
Feeling of indifference makes me want to cry.
Thoughtless, I don't ponder the question, "Why?"
Adrift in an out of body state.
Don't know where I am going or how far.
Reluctantly, I have been chosen to be here by fate.
Insignificant chatter passes by.
Feeling of non acceptance makes me want to cry.
There before me I politely ask , "Why?"