Saturday, July 19, 2008

Let's Talk.

So, how are you today?, now don't act so surprised. You, the person staring intently at your desktop/laptop screen trying to get a glimpse of the weird little thing I call my life...yeah, I AM talking to YOU. You didn't think all I do here is tell my story and get done with it, did you? No, I think of it as a two way conversation...except here I get to speak more, and nobody interrupts me until I'm done. So today i thought I'd let you I'm asking, how are you today?

And don't say you're fine. The same f-ing answer we keep on repeating day after day never really meaning it. Everybody says "I'm fine"( Also a movie directed by Rahul Bose in 2002...todays' useless trivia). But tell me, how do you really feel today? C'mon, I'm giving you a chance nobody else might...say whatever you want to say. Out of love? Ridiculously happy in love? Got an A-hole for a boss? Having the best day ever? Hate your job? Love your job? Wanna kill your neighbor? Or a colleague? Looking great today? Having a bad hair day? Didn't notice your fly had been open all day? Can't stop smiling? Want to tell me to go f&#k myself? Just tell me. This time you speak first. I'll listen. And not judge. None of that.

That's just the kind of mood I'm in today. And I'm not even drunk...


Samster said...

uhhh i woke up at 8 am...and im still sleepy (its 8.12 now) :D
thats about all the news i have right now....ohh and im also in some trouble..forgot to research for my class at 9! *oops*

arunima said...

ok... so i am totally irritated!!
i missed my damn university special today... called up my dad to catch up with d bus... my dad drives slower than d bus... its so sick... there was no way i could have attended d first class! so i decided to come back home.....
i make a terrible senior... d 1st years r morons... they dont respect me on d contrary they bitch about u n mentaly molest u!! i dont know y am i not doin d director's workshop bein held in my dramsoc sessions... i am missin college... i have to finish 10 16th c british plays in a week... give a presentation on gone with d wind in 2 weeks! have to research on piracy n media.... my life is hell... have got no boyfrd. .... n i'm crushin on a guy who is a first year!! ok so i'm a loser.... n not just a loser but a desperate one!! phew that felt good!

Sam said...

Just what I needed Kenny, now you listen:
Am totally upset, feel like crying non stop, am mad at my parents for not giving me a fair chance, for just thinking that they know the best and that I a 26 year old, who's been out of home for almost 9
years doesn't know a thing..
Am scared about my future, about that gamble thats going on with my life, am scared of leaving the life I've created for myself, am scared to lose that one person whose come to mean so much to me, am scared of comparisons, am scared, dead scared..
And am sharing this with you for reasons unfanthomable to even me..

Anonymous said...

Yeh, 'fine' would be an understatement.

Ridiculously happy about everything in life and I definitely need some sleep.

S said...

Been here! Only, I didn't write a post about it.

I need sleep, my results are out but I only get to see it tomorrow and the wait is killing me. I feel like I'm not going to do well... phew.

Sur said...

how am i... 'not fine' would b an understatement..yet it would b enough to tell you I'm not very good... I'm lonely, but who isn't?? at the end of the day, does it really matter how am i?? i don't think so... the truth will remain that I'm way better than the rest... just cribbing about unimportant things... wanting the impossible to happen but knowing, it never would neither expecting it to happen... damage can not be undone... the one who's gone would never return... I'm sitting here, still smiling... no matter how bad you think a situation is, the worst is yet to come... no matter how happy you are, you can be happier, and will be some day... I'm not fine, but it wont be the same always...

Bubbly Vodka said...

Hey mister. I'm fine.

Okay not really. I am tired from a day of travelling. Slightly pissed at the person who got us into it. Bored of my job. Hungry and wondering what to eat. Thinking about the mess that my place is in and when I will find time to clean it up. Wanting for the day to turn into one of those good days. Yeah, I am not at my best today.

How are you today?

Preeti Shenoy said...

well-since you really want to know--down in the dumps, unhappy,miserable coz I'm missing him.
Preeti(just a mother of two)

Scribblers Inc said...

whoa!!Um...I am kinda ok...just finished doin a post after wondering what to write for sometime...and all that thinking has given me a massive headache...guess I will have a maggi...

Scribblers Inc.

silly billy:) said...

m good..really..results was almost amazin n m happy bout it..cleared french even though 85% of the cls flunked...excited+nervous about hairs grown longer now..hate d weather though..looking forward to alot of hard wrk in d 3rd yr..stil love sleepin...hav small lil problems here n dre but i choose to obviate them rite now...:)
oh are YOU?

Adicrazy said...

Okay here goes....
I feel strange. One one hand I feel betrayed and thus I have a very low self esteem right now. But then I smile and giggle all the time. I am afraid to reason it with even myself, so you can imagine the state I am in. But actually I am numb. Most of the time I dont feel anything, which is scary. Oh god, it's so fucking messed up!!! I honsetly dont know how I am at the moment.


Kenny said...

Ok..i won't be replying INDIVIDUALLY to each comment..cause that'd take a lotta advice giving. And I give the worst advice.

So the people who say they're happy, I say I'm happy for you. Those having a bad day, I'm sure it's long gone by now. Those going through a hard time...chin up, this too shall pass!! And those who don't know how they feel...join the club. ;)

P.S.: Found out misery doesn't really love company!!