Friday, September 28, 2007

"Spirit"ual nights.

Never drink too much. Never get too high. If I could pass on one piece of advice that would be it. But then on saturday nights, after a certain point, there's no such thing as being too drunk or being too high. Once you lose track of how much you're drinking....You lose it all. Your senses, your memory,your judgement and in all probability the money in your pocket. If you ever intend on getting stoned drunk...make sure there's a sober person around or lock yourself up insisde your home and go to sleep. That's something I now wished we'd done.

Saturday night. THE night. Started out as fun, ended as a total mystery. That's the thing when you get too stone drunk. Next day you get all these tell tale signs that you've had a lot of fun, more fun than you'd ever have sober....but you can't recall anything of it. It's like knowing you've had a meal at the best joint in town, you've the bill to show for it...but you'll never recall what it tasted like. And that irks you for a long while. The main reason you get the calling to have a lot of fun when you're drunk is that you lose all your inhibitions...the child in you comes out, a bit unstable but it's there. You do all the things you want to do but didn't because you were scared of what the people would think. But then there's this down side to it all...which rears it's head a few hours later. Junkie limbo as they call it. You can't feel anything, you won't remember anything. And next morning you wake up with a massive headache and wonder what did you do last night. You just have these flashes and you try to arrange them in an order. I'm still trying to figure out how I got these bruises, why my phone number's scrawled all across my jeans, how I got home and where did all my money go...and I don't think i'll ever find out. What happens on saturday night stays in saturday night...


Unknown said...

haha... wish get to do that someday!!!;)

Kenny said...

@ Priyanka: It's really not as much fun as i make it sound..just take the first couple of lines seriously. :)